Tuesday, October 19, 2010

7 completely remove the USB device hardware approach

Use of U disk, MP3, MP4 or mobile hard disk and friends may often encounter "can not safely remove hardware" problems, when the "Safely Remove Hardware", it tends to suggest "It can not stop Generic volume device, please wait and then stop equipment ", N times will not work. Unplug afraid cause direct damage to hardware, how to do? Online solutions there are some here in Western e net order a bit, we can see what their actual situation for themselves.

1, Violence Act

In a switch of MP3, MP4 or mobile hard disk can be directly this way, Oh, that is MP3 or MP4 directly off the power. Theoretically, as long as the USB device is not flashing you can dial down (note there are no ongoing data transmission), especially over the current Windows XP operating system also supports hot swap the.

2, wait for the law

What you're likely to copy files, there are some cache or something. To determine all the relevant files and folders are closed. Wait a little while a little, which copies the computer, what other random small file and try again.

3, off Law

This approach is actually one of the best way, after the write-off or shut down the system can pull a natural.

4, the end of the process of law

Bring up the Task Manager to end the explorer.exe process, then the new task explorer.exe process, you can safely remove a USB device.

5, cancel the media preview of Law

In the "Start" - "Run" to input "REGSVR32 / U SHMEDIA.DLL", cancel Windows Media preview SHMEDIA. If it is to resume direct run "REGSVR32 SHMEDIA.DLL" can.

6, using other tools law

Install the software unlocker, open "My Computer" window, select the drive letter where the flash drive, from the context menu in the implementation of "Unlocker", from here you can clearly see that mobile devices currently in the process of access, click "Unlock" or "Unlock All" button, and then you can safely delete. If there is no file or folder is locked in a process, then directly in the drop-down list box, select "delete" operation on it.

7, killing the virus Law

Some time the USB device if you have the virus and the virus is running when this problem will occur, so regular there can not safely remove hardware problem, it is necessary for you to check narcotics U disk or MP3 virus the.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bitmap image synthesis model and channel together

銆?湪Photoshop涓紝鍜岄?閬撴瘮杈冭捣鏉ワ紝浣嶅浘妯″紡浣跨敤鐨勯绻佺▼搴﹀嚑涔庡皯鐨勫彲鎬溿? Today, we take a look, when the two combine, what kind of changes will the image.鍏堟潵鐪嬬湅鏁堟灉濡備綍銆?(Figure 00)

Figure 00

1. First of all, first to select an appropriate image.鎴戞壘浜嗕竴寮犳紓浜殑澹佺焊锛屽湪Photoshop涓墦寮?悗锛岀敤瑁佸垏宸ュ叿瑁佸嚭鎵?渶鐨勫浘鍍忛儴鍒嗐? (Figure 01a, 01b)

Figure 01a

Figure 01b

When selecting material in the picture, if possible, try to select the higher quality picture. In addition, if the original material image larger part in selecting the desired image, it is best to use cutting tools to reduce the image size instead of the method.鍦ㄨ鍒囨椂锛岃娉ㄦ剰鍦ㄥ浘鍍忎富瑕佺洰鏍囧懆鍥寸暀涓嬩竴浜涜儗鏅紝瀹為檯涓婏紝杩欎簺涓昏瀵硅薄鍛ㄥ洿鐨勮儗鏅浘鍍忥紝鎵嶆槸鎴戜滑浠婂ぉ鐪熸鐨勪富瑙掋?

2. Open access panel and check the image for each channel condition.鐢变簬鎴戜滑鐨勪緥鍥炬槸RGB妯″紡锛屾墍浠ラ?閬撻潰鏉夸腑鍖呮嫭浜哛GB缁煎悎閫氶亾鍜岀孩鑹层?缁胯壊銆佽摑鑹查?閬撱? Click to view the various color channels, respectively, to identify the best channel contrast gray, select and drag the channel access panel below the "Create new channel" button, create a copy of the channel. Different image conditions, the gray scale of each channel are not the same situation, you need to have a specific situation to determine the best channel contrast. In this case, I chose the red channel to create a copy. (Figure 02)

Figure 02

Here, the copy of the channel only as a reference for the next step, in itself no effect, and we copy the channel just as a backup, so as not to accidentally damage the original channel.

3. Select the red copy of the channel, the following work will be carried out in the channel. Select the Lasso tool, select the image in the main object, an object slightly larger than the number of electoral boundaries.閫夋嫨涓嶇敤寰堜粩缁嗭紝澶ц嚧灏卞彲浠ヤ簡銆?If you want a more beautiful, you can use select> modify> smooth command, the sampling radius is set to 5 to 10 pixels, so that a constituency is quite smooth. Of course, the sampling radius is also determined based on your image, you can even omit the process smooth and constituency (Figure 03a). If the image is the main target of regular shape, you can also use the Marquee tool with the options> Change command to select the target constituency. (Figure 03b)

Figure 03a

Figure 03b

4. In the copy of the channel, click on the channel bottom panel "of the constituencies and stored as channel" button. This action would maintain the current constituency of the state, will be saved as a constituency named "Alpha 1" of the new channel.鍙屽嚮閫氶亾鍚嶇О锛屽皢Alpha 1鏀逛负鈥渂ak鈥濓紝杩欎釜閫氶亾灏嗕綔涓哄師濮嬮?鍖虹殑澶囦唤锛屼互渚垮悗闈㈢殑姝ラ鍑洪敊鏃跺彲浠ュ強鏃舵仮澶嶃? Click the store button again constituency, generate new channel Alpha 1.鎸塁trl+D锛屽彇娑堥?鎷╃姸鎬併? (Figure 04)

Figure 04

Double-click the channel name can be renamed Office channel, if the access panel in the other office double-click will bring up Channel Options dialog box, this technique we will use later.


銆??5.閫夋嫨Alpha 1浣滀负鎴戜滑褰撳墠鐨勫伐浣滈?閬撱? Here we have gradually expanded through the channel Gaussian blur to the white pixels in the region. In order to filter the image can be observed while dealing with changing circumstances, we need to make two channels simultaneously in a visual status. Ensure that the current working channel to Alpha 1, click the red copy of the channel before the channel visibility icon image into a pink color at this time, you can also observe Alpha 1 copy of the white mask and red channel images. If you then start the fuzzy filter, then because of the white pixels after the edge of the extended fuzzy and pale red channel image is difficult to distinguish, so the practical effect of Gaussian blur difficult to identify. We need to increase the channel color, so that filter preview closer to the actual situation. Double-click the red copy of the first channel, or click on the small triangular access panel on the right, from the drop-down menu, select "access options." In the Channel Options dialog box, the opacity of the color channel from the default of 50% to 25%, this opacity can be observed not only access the image, it will not cover the content of other channels. Then double-click the channel Alpha 1, the channel color opacity to 80%. (Figure 05a)

Figure 05a

銆??鍦ㄩ?閬揂lpha 1鍐咃紝鎵撳紑婊ら暅>妯$硦>楂樻柉妯$硦婊ら暅锛屼竴杈硅皟鑺傚崐寰勬粦鍧楋紝涓?竟瑙傚療鍥惧儚鐨勫彉鍖栵紝鏍规嵁浣犵殑鍥惧儚闇?璁剧疆妯$硦鍗婂緞銆?In this case, I will set the radius of 76.5 pixels. (Figure 05b)

Figure 05b

6. Next, we make the Alpha 1 channel within the appropriate increase the brightness of the gray pixels. You can use the Levels command to complete, or secretly lazy like me, simply use the image> adjust the menu of the Auto Levels or Auto Contrast command to adjust the image. If you're fuzzy on the effect of the previous step are satisfied, then this step can be omitted.鐒跺悗锛屾寜Ctrl+I锛屽弽杞?閬撳唴鍥惧儚棰滆壊銆?(Figure 06)

Figure 06

For starters, channel black and white images often make them confusing. In fact, just remember that word on it - that is, the channel is that we have to create a white constituency. No matter how behind the operation, your first step is to make the channel to meet the requirements within the white area. Understand this principle, you can boot image you need to change direction. For example, in this case, our ultimate aim is to remove the image around the main target of some of the image, then the constituency is the main target of the natural surroundings of these areas, this is what we reversed the purpose of image color channels.

銆?.濡傛灉璇村墠闈㈢殑姝ラ閮藉湪鎰忔枡涔嬩腑鐨勮瘽锛岄偅涔堟垜甯屾湜浠ヤ笅鐨勬楠よ兘缁欎綘甯︽潵涓?簺鎯婂銆傛垜浠瀵归?閬揂lpha 1涓殑鍥惧儚浣滃嚭涓?簺鏀瑰彉銆?First of all, you want it saved as a separate document. To access the image save, you can use Ctrl + A command, and then Ctrl + C command will channel all the images copied to the clipboard; then use the new command to create a new document, the document will be the default size to the clipboard image size, model gray; then use Ctrl + V command will paste the image into the layer 1. However, I do not recommend this approach. The reason is simple - we have a more efficient way to save the image to achieve the purpose. Ensure that the current in the channel Alpha 1, click the right side of the triangular channel panel menu, choose "Copy Channel" command, copy the channel in the dialog box, click the document drop-down list, the list includes the current image with the same image pixel size and "New" command.閫夋嫨鏂板缓锛岄噸鏂板懡鍚嶆枃妗d负鈥淢ask鈥濓紝鐐瑰嚮纭畾銆?Photoshop will create a new document with the same size as the current multi-channel images, but contains only one channel, channel and background layers of images and documents in the channel just Alpha 1 are identical. In this document, we would not think twice, you can image manipulation. (Figure 07a, 07b)

Figure 07a

Figure 07b

8. Documentation Mask, we want to change the document model from multi-channel bitmap. Select Image> Mode> Bitmap command. Maintain the output resolution of the default state, from the use of drop-down list, select a custom design, Photoshop then you can choose one of the existing pattern. In this case I chose the "metal art" to determine the application. In the Mask document you will see the image changes. This is what we need to image. (Figure 08a, 08b)

Figure 08a

Figure 08b

See here, you should be able to understand why we want to document the work of Alpha 1 channel image saved out why. Yes! Because bitmap mode (note the bit map mode! Not to be confused and bitmap images!) Can only use two colors black and white to represent the image pixels, so if want to RGB mode document object model saved as a bitmap , we must first convert to grayscale mode, but will lose all the color information. This is devastating to our image in terms of results. Therefore, we copy the methods of channel access information to be processed separately to extract further processing, so it will not affect our goal images.



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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Flash MX features tours of the three

Third, the kernel developers

3-1 Flash MX ActionScript Editor

Applications in ActionScript, whether the expert mode or Normal mode, the development environment have been greatly improved. Code suggest that the color code marking, search, replace, and automatic format checking these features, both for beginners or experts have greatly improved their efficiency. Drag the script, check references, source code available and so are easier to learn ActionScript.

3-2 顥?Flash MX code debugger

Resources with enhanced script debugger, set breakpoints, step code, and function layer to make the code more clean. This debugger can be run within Macromedia Flash MX, you can also run in the web browser.

3-3 Flash MX object and event model

Macramedia Flash 6 player, added a new feature that can operate objects and events, so you can make an object with the event change, such as using the mouse or keyboard events, which makes the code more similar to the event-driven.

Try, select the color, bold, italic, underline and location of the button to observe the changes of its properties.

3-4 Flash MX components

The introduction of the component (Component) concept, components, customizable interface for some common procedures, including the scroll bar, super text field, enter button, radio button, checkbox and drop-down list button to scroll through the list. These greatly speed up the development progress.

Dynamic mask 3-5

Mask with the new dynamic features can make a more brilliant effect. Mc movie clip components can create animation Zhe Zhao, ActionScript can also be used to achieve the effect of the mask.

Drag about any hexagon, to look at the effect of mc formed Zhe Zhao.

3-6 Flash MX Dynamic Media

Through dynamic load JPEG and MP3 media files, optimizing the file size, reduce maintenance costs.

Try it by clicking on the small picture to select a jpg and MP3 files, and then select UPDATE. SWF button to refresh the video.


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Thursday, September 16, 2010

S1500 entry-level disk array read is cost-effective

The past two years, entry-level storage products more competitive market, competition is the focus of who can provide more cost-effective products. NEC S1500 Although the market for entry-level disk array fiber-optic products, but standard high-speed 4Gbps FC host interface, not only have all the advantages of S1400, and the cache capacity can be expanded to twice the S1400, that is 4GB, in a significant performance upgrade while maintaining the entry-level products should be ultra-high performance cost ratio.

NEC believes that as HBA, switch and the various storage vendors support to the growing 4G, 4G has wide application build a good platform. 4G products will not only be promoted in large enterprises, universal, even in entry-level market, will result in higher cost to the product advantage, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of their products. S1500 standard configuration up to 400MB / s high-speed 4Gbps FC host interface, even connect multiple servers, it can achieve high speed response. It is through the FC / SATA disk mix interpolation function to achieve low-cost backup and archiving technology, is a full account of customer needs, deserved the high cost entry-level storage products.

NEC S1500 addition to the old unique RAID 6, Dynamic Pool, Phoenix, dynamic data replication, dynamic snapshot, FC / SATA mixed interpolation and other advanced storage technology, but also supports dynamic data replication - the dynamic snapshot links the latest technology, is economical and practical to deploy storage solutions work group or small-scale sector organizations ideal. S1500 with advanced RAID 6 technology, through the double parity, significantly increased the reliability and availability of storage devices. During RAID 6 configuration, S1500 can easily use the Dynamic Pool function of the capacity to change the logical disk, without prejudice to other business cases, freely and efficiently as needed to create logical disks. S1500 with mature NEC Phoenix patented technology, can be slow on the response to the hard disk to a temporary separation, and automatic implementation of the hard disk scan, such as scanning results showed that there is no fault or failure to change can be restored, then the return to the original RAID hard disk, thus greatly reduce the rate of hard disk replacement. Meanwhile, the use of Phoenix technology, also enables the server to minimize the occurrence of slow access.

S1500 S1400 inherits the excellent design of the controller in the 3U unit, up to 15 hard drives installed. Cascade counters in the optional disk unit, can be installed up to 15 hard drives, and allows up to three disk cabinet to cascade, resulting in only 12U of rack space, provides up to 17.6TB of storage capacity.

In addition to the powerful outside, S1500 can also provide dynamic data replication, snapshots and other dynamic data replication capabilities, and dynamic data replication - the dynamic snapshot link function. Replication through a variety of data in close collaboration, we can fully meet the low-cost high-speed backup and backup needs.

NEC took the lead in the entry-level product support 4G interface technology, for the S1500 to give a higher cost performance advantages. I believe in 2006 in the low-end storage market, S1500 will accomplish much.

Located in the low-end enterprise applications


鈻?Standard features / specifications reference

Model name


Host Interface

4Gbps Fibre Channel

The number of host ports

4 Interface


Maximum physical capacity

2GB - 4GB (1GB - 2GB / controller)

Battery backup time

Maximum 72 hours (with optional battery)

Support RAID levels

RAID-0, 1, 5, 10, 50, 6

Storage Capacity * 1

300GB hard drive, optical fiber


Maximum support for 13.8 TB

147GB hard drive, optical fiber


6.8 TB maximum support

73GB hard drive, optical fiber


3.4 TB maximum support

400GB SATA hard drive


Maximum support for 17.6 TB

The number of hard disk drives

300 / 147 / 73 / 400GB hard drive

3 - 60

Hard disk drive specifications

Hard Drive Interface

2Gbps Fibre Channel / 1.5Gbps SATA

Capacity * 1

(After formatting)

300GB hard drive, optical fiber

288.0 GB

147GB hard drive, optical fiber

142.9 GB

73GB hard drive, optical fiber

71.6 GB

400GB SATA hard drive

393.2 GB


300GB hard drive, optical fiber

10,000 rpm

147GB hard drive, optical fiber

10,000 rpm / 15,000 rpm

73GB hard drive, optical fiber

10,000 rpm / 15,000 rpm

400GB SATA hard drive

7,200 rpm

Support the operating system * 2

HP-UX, Solaris,

Windows2000, Windows2003

Linux, AIX

Chassis Dimensions

(W x D x H)

Disk Array Controller Unit

482 x 596 x 131 mm

Cascade chassis unit disk

482 x 594 x 131 mm

EIA Standard Height

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Comparison of Insert and Rs.Addnew

Add a new record is way through the RecordSet object Addnew achieved, or by executing SQL statements in the insert statement can also add new records, why not choose the latter case? What is the difference between the two then?

In essence, ADO's Addnew method simply "Insert into" statement to package up, so direct use of SQL statement will greatly accelerate the speed of access to data, because he reduced the ADO's "translation" of time, especially when on When large amounts of data to operate more obvious. However, the shortcomings of the direct use of SQL statements: can not transfer the contents of the field too long, in the IMAGE field to the database by adding data, long text data, you need to use Addnew the. In addition, when the field is relatively long time to be a very long SQL statement, which led to easy troubleshooting, experienced programmers recommend priority.

In comparison, RecordSet object Addnew method first need to create a RecordSet object can be updated and maintained to Update the end, it is more consumption of system resources. But it has the advantage of better flexibility, code easy to read, easy debugging, recommend new users.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thoughts on the Current Financial Report

Enjoy smooth network software library, a good helper selection management software solutions group 2007 conference today, mankind has entered the new economy, financial reporting limitations in many areas has lagged behind the overall economic environment. And therefore it is imperative for major improvements.

First, the limitations of the current financial report

1. Not reflect non-monetary information

Confirmed by traditional accounting standards are based on a subject based on past transactions, future transactions and events occurred is not recognized. However, with the deepening of the development of financial innovations, such as futures, options, derivatives like "Small is Big," which contains the infinite opportunities and risks, and to the future fulfillment of the contract during the standpoint of the characteristics, traditional Accounting helpless. Second, with the rapid development of information technology, human resources, intangible assets, digital assets, financial derivatives and other information become increasingly important. In today's new era of business value of future cash flows and market power where it is these traditional accounting statements on the factors that have not appeared. Information, competition means business life and death to some extent the competition, but mainly because of existing financial statements reflect the monetary measure of historical cost data, the vast majority of the accounting statements of tangible assets, information, and a large number of invisible The information can not reflect the assets, and thus considerably reduce the usefulness of accounting information for decision-making.

2. Unable to meet the needs of the timeliness of information

The most important feature is that the information timely, current financial reporting disclosure can not achieve the timely nature of the quality of accounting information, the disclosure of the cycle, time is too long, such as enterprise's annual financial reporting requirements for the end of year 4 months Bao Chu, and Zhong Qi financial reporting requirements in the medium term within two months after the report out report out after so long and how much information is useful then, to spell out what companies are worth? in the rapidly changing modern society, two months of the time enterprise's financial situation could change dramatically. Thus, the existing financial reporting system has not keep up with the pace of development of modern society.

3. Unable to meet the different needs of information users

With standard financial reporting model is the common enterprise to financial information to the user an effective way, but this common type of report inevitably neglected needs of different users on the differences between the information and use of difference. With the increasing complexity of socio-economic, organizational forms in society and the status of competition in the market is changing, in addition to direct investors, creditors, the external and internal also emerged a number of different users of accounting information, including government departments, customers, partners, social sector and so on. Traditional industrial economy is the focus of information users financial information, and in the knowledge economy should not only obtain financial information, but also access to non-financial information. Disclosure of information the user requests to expand the content, quality of information emphasized in the relevance of information, consistency and timeliness. Therefore, how to properly resolve the differences in the use of these information problems, then to the future information disclosure raised new challenges.

4. Unable to meet the needs of the forward-looking information

The traditional income statement is based on essentials of traditional accounting earnings and revenue costs based on the concept of financial performance report form, which in the prices stable, single-market economic activities, Waibu low-risk economic environment is appropriate, it is accurate to reflect the business activities of the proceeds. However, with the increased degree of market economy, price volatility has become the process of economic development can not escape the phenomenon. There is growing recognition that the historical cost measurement model for the lack of the traditional income statement, especially the 80's last century more than 2,000 U.S. financial institutions engaged in financial instrument transactions in financial difficulty, but before the financial report is still in crisis show "good" results of operations.璁稿 investors, the lack of historical cost financial reporting perspective, predictive information, not only failed to send financial regulators and investors, warning signals, and even misled the investors Huan, Shi Qi judging error.

5. Can not meet the reliability requirements of information

The limitations of existing enterprise accounting statements of accounting personnel is also reflected in the reliability of financial statements that accountants tend to gloss over statements. In order to reasonably reflect the relationship between income and expenses, results of operation and management of the reporting enterprise, in the end, business matching principle according to a lot of adjustments and transfer processing. Although the occurrence of financial data processing is based on transactions as the basis for accounting recognition and measurement, but because of this transfer and the different treatments of subjectivity, coupled with corporate accounting statements is to provide to the enterprise of foreign investors and creditors use, therefore, from enterprise management to the accountants want a good accounting statements reflect the Company's operating results, accounting personnel with this mentality to prepare its financial statements, accounting reports on the making of color with a whitewash.

Second, the eight aspects of financial reporting to improve

1. Derivative financial instruments should be emphasis on the benefits and risks arising from the disclosure of information

With financial innovation, such as futures, options like no actual transaction but only the future economic benefits of the rights or obligations of increasingly complex types of derivative financial instruments, such derivative financial instruments may lead to future financial situation of enterprises, dramatic changes in profitability . If no such risk of derivative financial instruments be disclosed, could cause users of financial reports for investment and credit decision-making mistakes. Although the present stage is not yet mature capital markets, derivative financial instruments is still rare, not much influence on enterprises, but we should be early Zhuoshou research in this area, to meet our capital market development and improvement. The purpose of the disclosure of financial instruments is to provide to enhance understanding in the balance sheet and balance-sheet financial instruments on the financial situation, performance and cash flows of the importance of information to help evaluate the financial instruments related to future cash flows of the financial, time, and determine of, in addition to the amount of information on specific financial instruments and transactions in particular information, to encourage enterprises to provide information on the use of financial instruments, the associated risks, the business purpose of the service description.

2. Should focus on disclosure of information on human resources

With the gradual arrival of knowledge economy, the focus on disclosure of information inventory, machinery and equipment and other physical assets on the limitations of the current financial report has been increasingly shown, This was reflected in the size of the Value of physical assets and enterprises to create future cash flow capacity is also weakened the correlation between, and even the current market value and business relationship between the falls. Under the current accounting system, investment in human expenditure, no matter what amount, should be as current expenses, which makes human assets are substantially undervalued at a cost greatly. This is also the current financial reporting more and more criticism by one of the main. Disclosure of information on human resources, human resources, in addition to in-depth study of theories and methods of measurement, but also involves the confirmation of human capital, and the resulting distribution of benefits and other issues of great difficulty, should be the subject of accounting an important subject to study.

3. Enterprises should pay attention to the disclosure of comprehensive income information

In addition to the existing comprehensive income included in the profit and loss account has been realized and recognized gains and losses also include unrealized gains or losses, failing to achieve the property revaluation surplus, business investment unrealized gains / losses, net investment in foreign currency translation differences. In China, corporate disclosure of comprehensive income has important practical significance, because: First, our market changes, some enterprises, especially the old business, the value of assets held by the reality of difference and the accounting book value of assets is very poor, this certainly is a difference between expected profit and loss, it would be revealed more fully reflect the true earnings of enterprises, help investors and creditors in decision-making. Second, can effectively curb corporate profits or gloss over control performance. The gains or losses not recognized by other methods such as the replacement of assets into current profit or loss is the most common way to manipulate profits, if adopted comprehensive income report on a fundamental control in this way to prevent the possibility of profit, so that more realistic accounting information. Because of this, China should step up research in this area, early formulation of the comprehensive income disclosure rules.

4. Should pay attention to forecasts of future trends in the value of disclosure of information

Disclosure of forecast information, there are different perceptions and practices. In theory, the best forecast of the disclosure form is a complete financial report, but in practical terms to complete the preparation of accurate financial reporting is very difficult to predict, the feasibility of difference. From the practical point of view, many countries require listed companies to provide earnings per share forecast data. I think that the preparation of a complete financial report predicted the existence not only technically difficult, more importantly, there is no value. Because of different interests from their own point of view inspection company, is bound to its attitude on the benefits and risks of different to have different values. That being the case, companies also unnecessary the preparation of a comprehensive financial report forecast. Disclosure of business trends in the future value of information should be detailed in the table as far as possible outside the corporate disclosure and predict the future value of some related information, such as business investment, market share, material costs down, new product development, etc., the internal conditions of enterprises and external environment, information for users of financial reports predict the future value of business trends provide useful information services.

5. Value-added tables should be prepared, reflecting the company's contribution to society and its contribution to the volume of distribution

Current Financial Report of the main services of the main investors and creditors, the disclosure of the contents of the main creditors and investors and investment and credit decision-making related to the profitability and financial conditions in the company of these statements do not reflect the true contribution to society the amount that companies provide value-added or value added, but does not reflect the amount of the distribution of contributions. In the political and economic democracy of today, the traditional financial reporting in this area inadequacies become increasingly prominent. First, the currency's dominance of capital gradually weakened, human, intellectual capital is the growing proportion of the contribution, which requires financial reports to users of these information services; second, the trend of democratization of political and economic domination of monetary capital requirements were announced the amount of corporate contributions to the community and contribute to the amount of the distribution, in order to facilitate monitoring of social enterprises; Third, public enterprises real contribution to society and the distribution of the amount, help mediate between the various capital providers, and business and society, national government, and thus the distribution of interests in resolving the conflict created in the effort to increase interest and has played an active role; fourth, the state enterprises to understand the real contribution to society, help to formulate the National Science macro-control measures to promote economic development. There are many countries such as Britain and France have begun to prepare, or even to the public. Study in China should pay close attention to "value-added table" theory and methodology and introduce relevant criteria, as soon as possible "value-added table" into our financial reporting system within the.

6. Should pay attention to the environmental impact of corporate disclosure

Enterprise is the creator of wealth, but also the main polluters of the environment, there is a close with relations environment. Understand the environmental impact on the enterprise survival and development of state information to investors, creditors, regulators and other interest groups and business-related terms are of great significance. First of all, survival is related to a business that can continuing operations issues, such as a business Buneng going, then going on the basis of accounting information would be meaningless; Second, understanding environmentally-related liabilities arising from , pollution control costs, depreciation of asset values and other environmental risks losses affect development of the information is beneficial to investors, creditors, managers, etc. to make the right decisions. Higher current financial neglected to disclose the information in this area, no longer meet the increasing requirements of environmental protection, measures to increasingly stringent requirements of the socio-economic situation.

Therefore, the disclosure of corporate environmental impacts, improve financial reporting information should be used as one of the elements.

7. Consumption of natural resources should be the case is revealed

With the progress of science and technology, deepen understanding of human nature, limited natural resources have a more full understanding of the corresponding understanding of wealth has also been raised about the scope of the wealth of wealth from the extended to the artificial man-made and natural wealth and wealth. Enterprise is the producer of man-made wealth, but also the largest consumer of natural wealth, what a business whether on the contribution of the growth of social wealth, to see whether it created artificial wealth to make up for the consumption of natural wealth. Obviously, the existing investors on capital gains and losses calculated only the financial report does not provide this information. Therefore, it is necessary to improve it.


Comment Converters And Optimizers

Silver DVD Editor

Happiness CDA Music M3U to RM Converter

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Christmasgift Mobile Converter

Christmasgift Mobile Converter is an All-in-One solution to create Mobile Phone 3GP movies from DVDs, TV shows and downloaded videos. The software combines DVD to Mobile Converter and 3GP Video Converter in one package for discounted price. The software is easy to use. It features superb video audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques availabe on the market (Up to 3x faster).

Christmasgift Mobile Converter easy converts all popular video formats such as AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, RM, MPG, MOV, MPEG (and many more) videos into Mobile Phone 3GP format. Watch movies on the road. Support all mobile phones with 3GP video capability. The software is very easy to use. It compresses a full lengh movie into small size which can be fitted in a 128MB memory card. Carry your movie theater on the go! Watch movies anywhere, anytime - a new life style.

Recommand Link:

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Friday, July 2, 2010

LasVegas YouTube to iPhone

LasVegas YouTube to iPhone is the fastest DVD movie to iPhone video converter software so far in the world. and reliable tools for DVD MPEG2 video to iPhone video format video conversion. Almost all kinds of DVD formats was supported by LasVegas YouTube to iPhone. With YouTube to iPhone Converter, you can convert almost all kinds of YouTube to iPhone video (mp4) format. Its conversion speed is far faster than real-time, converting one DVD movie only takes half an hour in some high-end computers. LasVegas DVD Movie to iPhone Video Converter supports single-step conversion of DVD video into iPhone-ready MPEG-4 format while some other soft wares need two steps which wastes unnecessary time.

Recommand Link:

Aimersoft iPhone CONVERTER Suite

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X-Cloner DVD to PS2

Apolo DVD Copy + Clone DVDs Suite

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Friday, June 25, 2010

M4P Audio to PSP

M4P Audio to PSP is a flexible and easy-to-use tool that converts audio formats MP2, MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, GSM, VOX, ADPCM, G-721, G.726, G.723, DSP, U-LAW, A-LAW from one to another. M4P Audio to PSP has a user-friendly interface that supports drag & drop. You can convert many files in batches regardless of their source formats. Version 2 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
Extract audio tracks such as MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM from video files.

Recommand Link:

Christmas-Idea DVD to XviD Cell Phone

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Youtube Movie to EPOC Today

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Alice DVD To H.264 Converter

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

AlltoDVD DVD to RM

AlltoDVD DVD to RM is the best RealMedia converter software. easy convert Real Media files(.rm, .rmvb) to AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VCD, SVCD, DVD files. convert RM/RMVB to AVI DIVX XVID MPEG VCD SVCD DVD and burn to DVD/CD. You can change the codec/system type to PAL or NTSC, and adjust the video size of the output files . It supports to convert almost all video, such as: RM to AVI, RM to DIVX XVID, RM to MPEG-1, RM to MPEG-2, RM to WMV, RM to VCD, RM to DVD, RM to PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video...

Support convert AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, file to MPEG with all encode format such as VCD PAL/NTSC, SVCD PAL/NTSC, DVD PAL/NTSC, MPEG-1 standard, MPEG-2 standard etc. Support convert AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, file to AVI with all encode format such as DIVX, XVID, Mircosoft MPEG-4 etc.

Recommand Link:

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

iPod Midi Pack

iPod Midi Pack - Just download it to have a try, you will love it. Try to use our iPod Midi Pack. CDDB support. iPod Midi Pack - You have a portable digital player, or maybe you have tired to change audio discs every time when you want to listen something special? Try to use our iPod Midi Pack - powerful and easy-to-use tool for converting your audio CD collection to variety of most popular compressed audio formats such as AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, RM.
This audio file conversion software is a sound file format converter for Windows or Mac. It can convert audio files from many different file formats into mp3, wav or wma files including wav to mp3, mp3 to wav, wma to mp3 and much more (eg. CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM). This audio file converter is very easy to use. Just add the files you want to convert to the list, select the format you want to use, and then click the convert button. Now start converting!

Recommand Link:

LasVegas DVD to iPhone

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Ever CD-R VQF OGG To CDA Manager

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

WorldCup DVD to Mobile

WorldCup DVD to Mobile is an All-in-One solution to create Mobile Phone 3GP movies from DVDs, TV shows and downloaded videos. The software combines DVD to Mobile Converter and 3GP Video Converter in one package for discounted price. The software is easy to use. It features superb video audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques availabe on the market (Up to 3x faster).

WorldCup DVD to Mobile easy converts all popular video formats such as AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, RM, MPG, MOV, MPEG (and many more) videos into Mobile Phone 3GP format. Watch movies on the road. Support all mobile phones with 3GP video capability. The software is very easy to use. It compresses a full lengh movie into small size which can be fitted in a 128MB memory card. Carry your movie theater on the go! Watch movies anywhere, anytime - a new life style.

Recommand Link:

iS0FTER DVD Ripper Platinum

Youtube Backup + Converter Guide

How-to MPG To DVD

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How-to SWF to DVD

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New System Utilities

News about Converters And Optimizers

Free FLV Watermarker

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vacations DVD to 3GP

Vacations DVD to 3GP is an All-in-One solution to create Mobile Phone 3GP movies from DVDs, TV shows and downloaded videos. The software combines DVD to 3GP Converter and 3GP Video Converter in one package for discounted price. The software is easy to use. It features superb video audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques availabe on the market (Up to 3x faster).

Vacations DVD to 3GP easy converts all popular video formats such as AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, RM, MPG, MOV, MPEG (and many more) videos into Mobile Phone 3GP format. Watch movies on the road. Support all mobile phones with 3GP video capability. The software is very easy to use. It compresses a full lengh movie into small size which can be fitted in a 128MB memory card. Carry your movie theater on the go! Watch movies anywhere, anytime - a new life style.

Recommand Link:


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Quick DVD to ZUNE Converter

Sunday, April 18, 2010

How-to VCD to DVD

How-to VCD to DVD is the fastest DVD VCD video converter software so far in the world. and reliable tools for VCD video conversion. Almost all kinds of DVD formats was supported by How-to VCD to DVD. With VCD to DVD, you can convert almost all kinds of VCD to DVD video (.dat) format. Its conversion speed is far faster than real-time, converting one VCD movie only takes half an hour in some high-end computers. How-to VCD Movie to iPhone Video Converter supports single-step conversion of VCD video into iPhone, iPod, Zune, PSP, PS2, PS3, DVD MPEG-4 format while some other soft wares need two steps which wastes unnecessary time.

Recommand Link:

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

WorldCup MPG Converter

WorldCup MPG Converter is a powerful video conversion program and easy convert MPG to MPEG, AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, VCD, DVD, SVCD formats. also can support batch video files conversion of different video formats such as DVD AVI MPEG ASF MOV SWF at the same time. it also can support to burn VCD SVCD DVD. And best of all, it has a powerful video decompress/compress engine that convert whole MPG movie to DVD in 30 minutes! Except for converting AVI to iPod Video and converting Video to iPod,it also supports converting among MPG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video!

Recommand Link:

Yuv to ts conversion software

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How-to VCD Converter

How-to VCD Converter is the fastest DVD VCD video converter software so far in the world. and reliable tools for VCD video conversion. Almost all kinds of DVD formats was supported by How-to VCD Converter. With VCD Converter, you can convert almost all kinds of VCD Converter video (.dat) format. Its conversion speed is far faster than real-time, converting one VCD movie only takes half an hour in some high-end computers. How-to VCD Movie to iPhone Video Converter supports single-step conversion of VCD video into iPhone, iPod, Zune, PSP, PS2, PS3, DVD MPEG-4 format while some other soft wares need two steps which wastes unnecessary time.

Recommand Link:

convert google video to iriver e100

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Almost ID3 Copier

Almost ID3 Copier is an all-in-one sound recorder, editor, and converter. Streaming Audio Studio is everything you need to analyze, record, edit, and convert audio file, produce music loops, digitize, and clean-up old recordings. It enables you to record and modify any audio files as you wish, which means you can record and play sounds, import and export audio files, drag-and-drop, trim, copy, paste, split, and merge files.
This Audio Converter converts audio files between MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM. Its user-friendly interface supports both drag & drop and shell operation of Windows Explorer. Most work can be done automatically with a few mouse clicks. You can convert many files in batches regardless of their source formats and target formats. This Audio Converter also supports playback of all the audio files with its built-in player.

Recommand Link:

change AVI to psp

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Perpetually PSP PDA Apple TV Deconde

Perpetually PSP PDA Apple TV Deconde is a professional video converter to convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Xbox MP4 format. The output Xbox MP4 video files can be played on your Apple Xbox. All popular video/movie formats are supported, including AVI, MPEG/MPG/DAT, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, H264, MPEG4, AVC, MOV, QT, DivX, XviD, VOB, FLV, etc. The amazing output quality with super fast conversion speed is brough you by the built-in power MPEG4 encoder. All the output Xbox MP4 videos fit your Apple Xbox.

Recommand Link:

easy change ts to Archos

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Christmasgift DAT Converter

Christmasgift DAT Converter - A fast DAT video to DVD VOB Video converter which can convert and burn DAT, AVI, MPG, MPEG 1/2/4, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, Xvid, ASF, 3GP, Youtube FLV to DVD VOB VCD SVCD easily. With this DVD VCD SVCD converter, you will know how to make a DVD video. You can use it to convert and burn DivX, Xvid, AVI, MPG, MPEG 1/2/4, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB files to DVD with chapter Menu. With that, you can convert downloaded videos and burn files into DVD, which means Internet become the storehouse of your home theater! Get Free download now!

Christmasgift DAT Converter - What a powerful and attractive DAT, AVI, MPG, MPEG 1/2/4, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, Xvid, ASF, 3GP, Youtube FLV to Video converter. This software can burn DivX to DVD and convert DivX to VOB and finish all your tasks with the fastest speed possible and the best quality available. No one will ask how to make a DVD video anymore once they try this great DivX to VOB converter. We highly recommend this program because we think it will make your multimedia life a lot easier and more enjoyable. It allows you to specify NTSC or PAL format, adjust 4:3 or 16:9 video aspect, and burn either DVD disc or ISO file. By setting bitrate and framerate, you can get excellent quality on TV screen. Just free download and enjoy it right now!

Recommand Link:

3g2 File Type Changer

Sunday, March 7, 2010

How-to DVD to PS2

How-to DVD to PS2 is a professional DVD movie to PS2 video converter software. How-to DVD to PS2 directly converts DVD movies to your PS2. All you need do is to connect PS2 to your PC and start Super DVD to PS2 Converter. When the conversion is completed. How-to DVD to PS2 is an innovative Windows application that transcodes your favorite DVD movies to SONY PS2 directly. You can easily convert both PAL/NTSC DVDs for optimized video playback on PS2. Integrated world-class MPEG4 encoder make it possible to transcode whole DVD disc with the time half of playback time of DVD. You can select any audio track, subtitle, chapters of the DVD as you want.

Perpetually MOV QuickTime QT to DVD

Perpetually MOV QuickTime QT to DVD is a All-in-One powerful tool, is easy convert MOV video to AVI, DivX, Xvid, MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD, SVCD, DVD video converter. The main features include: Batch convert MOV, QT files to AVI, MPEG, VCD,SVCD,DVD,WMV formats; Support different AVI video Codecs, such as DivX, Xvid, MPEG4; NTSC/PAL setting options for DVD, VCD, SVCD exporting; Change the framerate, image size etc as you like. Very user-friendly interface and easy to use. Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost! Key Features: Convert MOV to AVI, MOV to DivX, MOV to Xvid Convert MOV to MPEG1, MOV to MPEG2 Convert MOV to VCD, MOV to SVCD, MOV QuickTime QT to DVD Convert MOV to WMV, MOV to ASF Support .mov, .qt files Support Batch convert NTSC/PAL setting option Support large video files, even large then 2GB Very fast and without any quality loss Very user-friendly interface.

Recommand Link:

xvid to iriver Clix 2 free download

Friday, February 26, 2010

LasVegas DVD to PSP

LasVegas DVD to PSP is a professional DVD movie to PSP video converter software. LasVegas DVD to PSP directly converts DVD movies to your PSP. All you need do is to connect PSP to your PC and start Super DVD to PSP Converter. When the conversion is completed. LasVegas DVD to PSP is an innovative Windows application that transcodes your favorite DVD movies to SONY PSP directly. You can easily convert both PAL/NTSC DVDs for optimized video playback on PSP. Integrated world-class MPEG4 encoder make it possible to transcode whole DVD disc with the time half of playback time of DVD. You can select any audio track, subtitle, chapters of the DVD as you want.

Recommand Link:

How to convert sony psp to flv

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bluesea RMVB ASF Encode

Bluesea RMVB ASF Encode fast convert WMV files to all popular video formats such as DVD, VCD, SVCD, AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, RM, MOV, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, Xvid, ASF, etc. easily, and convert DVD to audio formats including MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG, etc. It can support many personal multimedia devices such as PSP, iPod, Zune, iPhone, PDA and MP4 player.

Bluesea RMVB ASF Encode is powerful, easy to use DVD to WMV converter and DVD to WMA converter software which helps you rip and convert DVD to WMV video file formats or extract to WMA audio file formats with excellent quality.

Recommand Link:

3gpp To Avi Format Conversion

Monday, February 8, 2010

LasVegas SWF Converter

LasVegas SWF Converter is easy converts your Flash swf files to compliant Avi, Mpeg, VCD, SVCD or DVD structures (VOB and IFO).It converts your batch files into a compliant DVD Video set of files and burns it on a DVD blank media DVD+-R(W). The aspect ratio can be automatically selected or forced to a specific format. The program works for NTSC and PAL video format and create automatically chapters. Multiple audio tracks are supported. and burn them to a DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW, and DVD-RW, so that you can play your Flash swf on DVD player.It is a Powerful and versatile DVD creator. The user-firenldy and easy-to-use interface lets you set begin-time/end-time for each Flash swf and batch convert. Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost! Cool SWF Converter Mixer Convert Macromedia Flash SWF to MPEG AVI video file. SWF to Video Converter is a powerful utility that supports to convert Macromedia Flash SWF files to MPEG AVI or VCD SVCD DVD compatible MPEG files including movie clips, action scripts and audio in the Flash movies. Also join many SWF files in one large AVI or VCD SVCD DVD compatible MPEG file. Allow the human interaction on Flash content during conversion, no skip frames and support 32bits RGBA alpha channel video that can be directed imported by video authoring tool for composition. Main features: batch conversion for SWFs to MPEG AVI VCD SVCD DVDs, batch Join for SWFs to MPEG AVI VCD SVCD DVDs, join many SWF files in one large video file, extract MP3/WAV sound.

Recommand Link:

dvd to vob

X-Cloner WMV Converter

X-Cloner WMV Converter fast convert WMV files to all popular video formats such as DVD, VCD, SVCD, AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, RM, MOV, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, Xvid, ASF, etc. easily, and convert DVD to audio formats including MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG, etc. It can support many personal multimedia devices such as PSP, iPod, Zune, iPhone, PDA and MP4 player.

X-Cloner WMV Converter is powerful, easy to use DVD to WMV converter and DVD to WMA converter software which helps you rip and convert DVD to WMV video file formats or extract to WMA audio file formats with excellent quality.

Recommand Link:

convert dat movies to asf

Friday, January 29, 2010

Christmas-Idea DVD to Apple TV

Christmas-Idea DVD to Apple TV is a professional DVD movie to Wii video converter software. Christmas-Idea DVD to Apple TV directly converts DVD movies to your Wii. All you need do is to connect Wii to your PC and start Super DVD to Apple TV Converter. When the conversion is completed. Christmas-Idea DVD to Apple TV is an innovative Windows application that transcodes your favorite DVD movies to SONY Wii directly. You can easily convert both PAL/NTSC DVDs for optimized video playback on Wii. Integrated world-class MPEG4 encoder make it possible to transcode whole DVD disc with the time half of playback time of DVD. You can select any audio track, subtitle, chapters of the DVD as you want.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Popular Zune Platinum

Popular Zune Platinum is a visual multifunctional and graphical audio editor which allow you to perform various operations with audio data such as displaying a waveform image of an audio file, filtering, applying various audio effects, format conversion and more. Popular Zune Platinum - Apply effects to selected area, zoom in/out, cut, copy, paste, mix, amplify, normalize, echo, stretch, fade in/out, invert, everse, null signal, silence, convert format, undo/redo etc. You can also record from any available source. Audio formats supported include: WAV, MP3, MP2, WMA, OGG, G721, G723, G726, VOX, RAW and PCM.
Convert your MP4 and other audio files to MP3 MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM format.

Recommand Link:

dvd to vob

Thursday, January 21, 2010

LasVegas DVD to Youtube

LasVegas DVD to Youtube is a All-in-One powerful tool. Convert all popular video and audio formats to Youtube video, swf or flv to video, such as avi, mpeg, 3gp, mp4, mov, it offers the solutions to problems that many other flash to video converting tools cannot solve, such as video and audio asynchronization, loss of frames, audio distortion, the process of alpha channel, and the process of both internal and external Flash video(flv). With the leading audio and video codec, LasVegas DVD to Youtube lets you easily and fully enjoy the original effects of your Flash files on your PC, iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, DVD players and Youtube Video, Google video, Myspace Video. In conclusion, with easy-to-use interface, fast converting speed, powerful functions.

Recommand Link:

avc to h.264/avc converter

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

WorldCup MPEG Converter

WorldCup MPEG Converter is a powerful video conversion program and easy-to-use MPEG to DVD iPod Zune iPhone Converter, easy convert MPEG to MPG, AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, VCD, DVD, SVCD formats. also can support batch video files conversion of different video formats such as DVD AVI MPEG ASF MOV SWF at the same time. Besides, it also can support to burn VCD SVCD DVD. And best of all, it has a powerful video decompress/compress engine that convert whole MPEG movie to DVD in 30 minutes! Except for converting AVI to iPod Video and converting Video to iPod,it also supports converting among MPG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video!

Recommand Link:

free download to convert flv to wav

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

AllRipper DVD to Pocket PC

AllRipper DVD to Pocket PC is a professional video converter to convert DVD to Pocket PC, and convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Pocket PC MP4 format. The output iPhone MP4 video files can be played on your Pocket PC. All popular video/movie formats are supported, including AVI, MPEG/MPG/DAT, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, H264, MPEG4, AVC, MOV, QT, DivX, XviD, VOB, FLV, etc. The amazing output quality with super fast conversion speed is brough you by the built-in power MPEG4 encoder. All the output iPhone MP4 videos fit your Pocket PC.

Recommand Link:

convert dv to divx windows vista